Wet Weather and Horses

Posted by Katrina Thorpe on 26th Apr 2019

Wet Weather and Horses

Wet weather and HorsesWet weather and horses don’t always mix. While we love to see our ponies running around and grazing in their paddocks, a lot of rain means we need to take into consideration so …

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Signs Your Horse Might Need To See A Dentist!

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 3rd Apr 2019

Signs Your Horse Might Need To See A Dentist!

Horses are animals who depend heavily on their mouth. As such, their dental health is super important to their overall health.When one understands that a horse’s tooth grows at over 3mm a year, it …

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Horses in Small Paddocks - Things to Consider

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 26th Mar 2019

Horses in Small Paddocks - Things to Consider

Keeping Horses in Small Paddocks- Things to consider.We all wish we could have sprawling ancestral acres for our beautiful ponies to roam and be happy….. However the reality can be the exact oppos …

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Is Fat Important for a Healthy Horse?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 10th Jul 2018

Is Fat Important for a Healthy Horse?

Just because we, as humans, try to avoid fat in our diet doesn’t mean our pets and horses should have a low fat diet as well!Certain fats in the diet is really important and we as pet parents need to …

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How Important is Water to my Horse?

Posted by Russell Gibbons on 21st Feb 2018

How Important is Water to my Horse?

Horses Need Water!How does that old saying go?"You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink???"That might be true, but it might help if we can understand how important water is to a h …

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